id-x platform





Always one step ahead of the competition with value management

In a global environment, this method is essential for product development in order to remain competitive

Value management describes a simple and efficient approach and ideally allows to increase the value of the product while reducing costs. The value analysis also includes an initial functional analysis, a cost analysis and a detailed analysis. However, this is always followed by a workshop to develop ideas in a cross-functional team. The tool for the value management process:

ID-X valueTracker product logo
calidat valueTracker workshop

– whether global or local –
definitely more digital

With the id-x | valueTracker, participants connect to the product or project via a QR code when entering the workshop room. A registration is not necessary. This reduces the hurdle associated with new systems or apps, and employees can start immediately.

valueTracker workshops

The id-x | valueTracker allows you to capture the generated ideas digitally – easily with the mobile devices of your employees. The collected ideas are displayed on the dashboard in real time and can be processed and categorized immediately. This is how you promote the digital transformation in your company with the id-x | valueTracker.

From the input of an idea to the implementation.
Whether in a global or local environment.
Whether as a workshop on site or completely digital, simultaneously from different locations.

The id-x | valueTracker adapts to your requirements. 
The continuous improvement process will not only be successfully practiced in the company with this workflow but also leads to enormous cost savings, which can be communicated transparently and clearly. Cost savings without loss of quality or functionality – this is what your customers demand.

ID-X valueTracker product logo

The id-x | valueTracker supports you in achieving this goal.
We will be pleased to help you and explain your opportunities.

WORKFLOWS with the ID-X | ValueTracker

valueTracker workflow 01

Create any number of projects in the system and share them with other users

valueTracker workflow 02

Employees capture ideas digitally right away with their own mobile devices

valueTracker workflow 03

Workshop participants can immediately connect to the project via a QR code and start brainstorming ideas

valueTracker workflow 04

The collected ideas are displayed in real time on the dashboard and can be analyzed immediately

valueTracker workflow 05

Ideas can be evaluated in the system, prioritized and tracked until they are implemented

valueTracker workflow 06

All ideas and solutions for any projects can be easily found and accessed from anywhere

Your advantages at a glance

globe icon

Breaking boundaries

Supports global and digital collaboration
Standardization of terminologies and processes
Multilingual interface and data entry

calendar icon

Effective project management

Support and structuring of projects and workshops through all steps of the process
Support in meeting project goals

target icon

Achieving goals with workflows

Track and process ideas or defects until the solution is implemented
Freely define process steps and development phases
Automatic email notifications

diagram icon

Quick comparison

Easy and fast comparison of information from all levels
Simply select data you want to compare and press the „Compare“ button

reports icon

Ad-hoc reports at any time

Reports & analyses at the push of a button from the system
Excel tables or native PowerPoints in attractive layouts
Multiple PPT layouts can be defined individually by the user

smartphone icon

Easy data entry

Intuitive capture of information with own mobile devices
Easy connection with workshop or product with QR code

loupe icon

Search & find

Easy searching and finding of information, as full text or with advanced filter functions.
You can search for field names and contents at the same time – as conveniently as you are used to from common search engines

calculator icon

Calculate costs globally

Extensive calculation function with a wide range of calculation options
Integrated currency converter with automatic update

padlock icon

Specific access authorizations

Comfortable and extensive administration of users and user groups with extended access rights

flower icon

Flexibility through cross-linking

Highly flexible cross-linking of information possible
Simple cross-linking of any kind of information - also to other departments or products

hat icon

Build knowledge base

All projects, ideas and solutions in one database
Creation of a knowledge database - making proprietary knowledge available

iPad icon

Individual look

Custom pages for theme-based structuring of the database
Branding through customization of logos and primary colors

valueTracker support


For a certain time, Excel lists and presentations work well. Even when data is collected, paper and pencil always work. But as soon as people start searching for information or ideas, things start to get a bit complicated. At best, all files are stored in a structured and secure way on the company’s own servers. But without knowing where the data has been stored, finding information is often very time-consuming and practically impossible for colleagues. This is where a database makes sense and also simplifies data entry and analysis. But the step from Excel and paper to a database does not only bring opportunities but also risks. It all depends on the appropriate structuring of your data and processes. For this it is necessary to apply a combination of business knowledge and database knowledge. The system must be tailored to your business to increase effectiveness and provide a short term ROI. We want to share our many years of experience in this area with you and help you to successfully manage the digital transformation.
